Friday, June 19, 2009

Today = Worst Day

Today had to be the worst day since coming up Brisbane.

I've done 3 exams....felt pretty good for them. Today i hit a wall, did 2010 just really bad and just feeling down. I don't know why i thought studying one night for it was good enough :( After the exams, the guys were saying how it was alright and there i stand feeling really DUMB! The chances of me passing this exam is not great. I am hoping I get offered a supplementary for this course, but that would mean i have to do really well for the next 3 exams ....2030, 2009 and 2040.

Its a friday night! i have this rule where i don't study on a friday....never have broken it but tonite I will study. Failing today really gave me a hard kick. I have to work hard to do well for the rest of my exams or won't be offered a supplementary. I don't want to repeat 2nd year when all my friends move onto 3rd.

Not only did i do bad in todays exam! I also got in an accident. Some effing girl can't drive for CRAP ram my car. OMG! i was soo pissed off! Sorted out with her, got her details and have to go to my insurance and do my claim. What a waste of time....I could be studying. For the past 5 days I've been getting like 3-4hrs sleep every night! This is killing me...I question is this worth it?....If i stay up late and try to study for my exams and I don't do well....then what is the point? If i fail 1 more exam I will seriously be heaps heaps sad...don't think i can take it! AHHHH can't wait till i go back to adelaide....

Anyways I don't know when i will post next! I have to study now....REMEMBER STUDYING AND CAN'T FAIL!!!!

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