Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Family Man Pharmacist

I recently did a facebook quiz that described what kind of pharmacist i would be! Thought I would post this up!

The Family Man Pharmacist
The only reason you are doing this degree is to provide a stable form of income for your current and future family. You will be a great dad or mum that can not only provide free health care to your loved ones but you will also be a stable source of income. You will probably marry a pharmacist and have little pharmacist babies that wear little lab coats. You will spend your life taking your pharmacist family on holidays visiting other pharmacist families and have little pharmacist picnics. If this is what your life is going to be like then I encourage you to p.a.r.t.y hard while you can, families are for later... Drinking is for now... and your future partner will probably be a nagging nutter so be free while you can!

Anyways I have to get back to studying! I am soo stressed atm...I don't know if i can pass since i have like 9 exams but guess can't do anything but try.

Will post another time!

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